False Flag = a covert operation designed to deceive

Here is something that many moons ago I would have thought loony:

False flags.

The answer as to “Why?” is easy if you start with the premise that someone might have things they want to HIDE from you, and might be interested in distracting you from other nefarious things that you might become awakened to, or if they have a political agenda that they need you to get on board with.

The answer as to “How?” is…disturbing to say the least.  Are they actors?  But how do you keep them all quiet?  Threats?  Hush money?  A promise that afterwards you can get a job at CNN?  You can go down a deep, deep hole with these questions, which I have done, but I still don’t know the answer.  All I know for sure is that in the 20 years since my frontal lobe fully developed, I’ve seen some things that just didn’t quite add up.  Today (May 18, 2018) some things happened just as news that the FBI planted a mole in Trump’s campaign was coming out.

The answer to “When” is, well, apparently when bad news is about to break for the Cabal.

Anyway, keep an open mind…





OH! Would you look at THAT:

“…Operation Fast and Furious, the bungled ATF program that lost track of thousands of weapons it sent across the border into Mexico.”


MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification – Joint Hearing before Congress 1977

Impossible you say?

Vehicle attempts to ram Presidential Motorcade in Springfield, MO

Shooting survivor DAVID HOGG responds to being called an “actor”

David Hogg, who survived last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, has become an outspoken voice in the national gun control debate. Now, he is responding to unsubstantiated allegations that he is an “actor.”
“I’m not an actor in any sense, way, shape or form,” Hogg, 17, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. I am the son of a former FBI agent, and that is true. But as such, it is also true that I … go to Stoneman Douglas High School and I was a witness to this.”


Military.com: The CIA’s Secret Heart Attack Gun

CIA, MkUltra


May 14, 2018:


May 16, 2018:

day before shooting

Q post, May 17, 2018:


The next day, May 18, 2018:  when FBI planting moles in the Trump campaign should be the headline, instead we get this:

drudge headlines

no 911




Other “unsubstantiated” “conspiracy theories”


Something to ask yourself:  Why did Building 7 fall?  It wasn’t hit by any airplanes.  Doesn’t that look just like a purposeful demolition?  (We were all too horrified to really think too hard on it at the time.  9/11 was the most horrible thing most of us had ever seen at the time.)



Sandy Hook

Why are these people at Sandy Hook elementary school going around in circles?  There are better videos on YouTube that you should check out.  Seems I saw a funny one about “Every picture ever of” the shooter.  Meanwhile, watch the guy in the yellow hoodie since he’s the one who is easiest to pick out.  He’s the wanderer.

This presentation is the one that opened my eyes completely though:  Sofia Smallstorm’s Unraveling Sandy Hook.  It’s long, but well worth the watch if you can find the time.


Sandy Hook Two Years Later: Where Is The Aid Going?

Be sure to check out Anderson Cooper’s reporting on Sandy Hook if you can find it.  There are weird interviews and it sometimes looks like they used a green screen.  What on earth is in the background of this picture with him?  If I’m not mistaken, he used to be in the CIA.


See also Operation Mockingbird.


Wars and Rumors of Wars

How many dead bodies have you seen move around after they are dead?

Questioning everything?  I think you should.

I’m sure I’ll be back here to add more later…

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