A tangled web: one of the best pictures I’ve found of all the connections

Hat tip to the Anon who pulled this one together.  I like this one.  I am totally on board with most of this, but the jury is still out on Merkle for me.  But really, how far of a jump is it from accepting that the world is being run by globalist Satan-worshiping pedophiles to Angela Merkle is literally a Hitler?  (In Harry Potter, there was a character named Luna Lovegood who saw things that no one else did.  Everyone called her “Looney”.  I liked her.  She was my favorite character.  And she was right about the nargles.)

(Note:  This is NOT from Q, but rather, from an “Anon”, or an anonymous person on the message boards where Q posts.  Sometimes Q responds to Anons, however, by re-posting an Anon’s post or by re-posting an Anon’s post and replying to it.  I think the general consensus is that this is a confirmation of the information, or is intended to reply to correct the information.  I think I found this at Discord, and it was not one of Q’s re-posts, but you can read the links to Q where Q’s messages have been pulled out and aggregated and check me.)


tagled web






angela hitlerq post rewith the jew


False Flag = a covert operation designed to deceive

Here is something that many moons ago I would have thought loony:

False flags.

The answer as to “Why?” is easy if you start with the premise that someone might have things they want to HIDE from you, and might be interested in distracting you from other nefarious things that you might become awakened to, or if they have a political agenda that they need you to get on board with.

The answer as to “How?” is…disturbing to say the least.  Are they actors?  But how do you keep them all quiet?  Threats?  Hush money?  A promise that afterwards you can get a job at CNN?  You can go down a deep, deep hole with these questions, which I have done, but I still don’t know the answer.  All I know for sure is that in the 20 years since my frontal lobe fully developed, I’ve seen some things that just didn’t quite add up.  Today (May 18, 2018) some things happened just as news that the FBI planted a mole in Trump’s campaign was coming out.

The answer to “When” is, well, apparently when bad news is about to break for the Cabal.

Anyway, keep an open mind…





OH! Would you look at THAT:

“…Operation Fast and Furious, the bungled ATF program that lost track of thousands of weapons it sent across the border into Mexico.”


MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification – Joint Hearing before Congress 1977

Impossible you say?

Vehicle attempts to ram Presidential Motorcade in Springfield, MO

Shooting survivor DAVID HOGG responds to being called an “actor”

David Hogg, who survived last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, has become an outspoken voice in the national gun control debate. Now, he is responding to unsubstantiated allegations that he is an “actor.”
“I’m not an actor in any sense, way, shape or form,” Hogg, 17, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. I am the son of a former FBI agent, and that is true. But as such, it is also true that I … go to Stoneman Douglas High School and I was a witness to this.”


Military.com: The CIA’s Secret Heart Attack Gun

CIA, MkUltra


May 14, 2018:


May 16, 2018:

day before shooting

Q post, May 17, 2018:


The next day, May 18, 2018:  when FBI planting moles in the Trump campaign should be the headline, instead we get this:

drudge headlines

no 911




Other “unsubstantiated” “conspiracy theories”


Something to ask yourself:  Why did Building 7 fall?  It wasn’t hit by any airplanes.  Doesn’t that look just like a purposeful demolition?  (We were all too horrified to really think too hard on it at the time.  9/11 was the most horrible thing most of us had ever seen at the time.)



Sandy Hook

Why are these people at Sandy Hook elementary school going around in circles?  There are better videos on YouTube that you should check out.  Seems I saw a funny one about “Every picture ever of” the shooter.  Meanwhile, watch the guy in the yellow hoodie since he’s the one who is easiest to pick out.  He’s the wanderer.

This presentation is the one that opened my eyes completely though:  Sofia Smallstorm’s Unraveling Sandy Hook.  It’s long, but well worth the watch if you can find the time.


Sandy Hook Two Years Later: Where Is The Aid Going?

Be sure to check out Anderson Cooper’s reporting on Sandy Hook if you can find it.  There are weird interviews and it sometimes looks like they used a green screen.  What on earth is in the background of this picture with him?  If I’m not mistaken, he used to be in the CIA.


See also Operation Mockingbird.


Wars and Rumors of Wars

How many dead bodies have you seen move around after they are dead?

Questioning everything?  I think you should.

I’m sure I’ll be back here to add more later…

Operation Mockingbird

Wikipedia says Operation Mockingbird is an “alleged” operation, but there is video testimony in front of Congress on Youtube suggesting it really happened.  It is still happening through the mainstream media (MSM) and apparently, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia and YouTube.

False Flag = a covert operation designed to deceive

Here’s how I find out if I am right about something or if something is true:  I look for the words “conspiracy theory” and “fringe theory” among others, then I use logic and reason and research to determine if it’s true.  In short, I think for myself!  More people should try it!  It’s that bad and we all know it.

This is a struggle for the survival of our nation, and this will be our last chance to save it.  This election will determine whether we’re a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy but are in fact are controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system – and our system is rigged – this is realityYou know it, they know it, I know it, and pretty much, the whole world knows it.

Donald J. Trump, during presidential campaign, 2016



Relevant Q posts:



Erik Prince interview, Weiner laptop, and Clinton emails, and false flags

Every American should hear this.  From back in November, 2016.

And then read this from November, 2016:

NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”

Remember the guy who died of a heart attack in NY and the feds went up there and there was all that stink about “police brutality”? What was happening was that the stuff in the Clinton emails and on Anthony Weiner’s laptop had been viewed by the NYPD (it made GROWN MEN CRY it was so bad). The NYPD had told the FBI they were going to go public with it. THAT is why the “gestapo” went to NY to shut them down – threatened them.  Our government/agencies within (and the political elite of the whole world) have been SO corrupt for YEARS.

You can see some of the weird references to the stuff in what is found on Wikileaks. Ordering “food items” (code words) and having (young in age) waiting for you in the pool. Think: what kind of crime do even criminals in jail GIVE the ultimate punishment for?  I’ve read many of the emails myself. They are on Wikileaks. But Wikileaks is just one source – Weiner’s laptop is the other.

Weiner’s sexting trouble is nothing compared to what is rumored to be on his laptop.  It involves many, many corrupt and morally bankrupt people around him and in government, etc. Hopefully it will all come out. Hopefully, finally, people will wake up. My grand kids deserve to live in a world where they are safe, FREE, and can pursue happiness.

There has been a corrupt Attorney General in NY (Schneiderman – the #METOO guy who just resigned because women whom he beat finally got the nerve to stand up and tell – check the news), and corrupt judiciary (Sessions appointed a new guy – Donaghue – check the news).  You have to have police, then prosecutor, then judge before you can put someone in jail.  So…the Weiner stuff is about to come out now that all those pieces are in place.  Taking Trump down was so important to a huge network of evil people.  Unfortunately for them, their secrets are about to be on display for the whole world and they are scrambling.


Weiner case file:

U.S. v. Anthony Weiner Case Files 1:17-cr-00307-DLC May 19, 2017

Q warned us on May 17, 2018 to stay vigilant.  We took this to mean that false flags break out whenever bad news about the corruption is about to break…and it happened on May 18, 2018, the next day.

Q can be found here:  https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//

1401no 911

Here’s a hint of what else: look up Laura Silsby. She was in Haiti and HRC bailed her out when she was caught at the boarder with 33? (in that range) children whom she claimed had no parents. They were ready to put her in jail and the Clinton Foundation or HRC seem to have helped her out of that mess. Today, she works for Amber alert in AZ. (I’m not even kidding.)  Also, see the Wikileaks emails with correspondence between HRC and the “organization” Laura was working with – it was a Baptist org and I will have to go look up the name.  ALL of this is out there, but we are all like sheep, being told to look the other way.

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Ignore/Cover It Up

Also, look into what passes for “artwork” these days. Podesta – HRC’s right hand man – had it in his home. Children with their hands tied behind their backs, etc. Prepare to cry. I’m sorry for anyone who hasn’t heard this yet. I am praying for you, because when my eyes were opened a year and a half ago to this part of this whole thing, I seriously curled up in a ball on the floor and cried like a baby, begging God that it wasn’t true.

Why do you think the border wall is so important? What can you traffic in and out of the country besides drugs, guns, etc.? Pray, people. Pray.

All of this is why, during the debates, Trump said, “If I were president, you would be in jail.” Listen VERY carefully to this:

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

“…racist, sexist, etc…” he left out “conspiracy theorist”.  They use that one too.  We are sheep being led to slaughter.   I am no more a conspiracy theorist than I am a racist, homophobe, neo-con, right-wing, alt-right, or whatever the hell the label de jour is today. This type of manipulation of the masses is deliberate to hide a totally corrupt system.  They DON’T WANT YOU to know the truth, and they want to divide us in any way they can.

…and it’s why Trump has been stressing the fake news thing – because the MSM (ALL of them) is FAKE!.  See posts under the tag “Operation Mockingbird“.

And THAT is why the MSM has been screaming Russian collusion for a year – because they are trying to get Trump out of office before he can drain the corrupt politicians, attorney generals, judges, FBI dirty cops, etc. out so they don’t block this.  Look up Eric Schneiderman. He was attorney general in NY until just recently. Do you see why he’s gone? Do you see why he might want to hide this kind of horror?


brown slave

This is all connected…  The actress that was recently arrested – Allyson Mack: she was in a sex trafficking ring and all kinds of creepy horrible stuff is in the indictment. Ugh. It’s bad.  Schneiderman – the NY AG shut that investigation down. Our system is corrupt to the core. Truly corrupt to the core. But good people have stepped up and hope is on the horizon – not just for America, but for the whole world. Just watch.


Evil like I’ve never even imagined. My worst nightmares. Beyond anything…ever. Chills me to the bone. I am so sorry for anyone that is just now finding out today because of me. I am so sorry. Know that there are many of us out here ready to support you and catch you up. You’ll have to do it outside of Facebook though. They are blocking us in there, and some YouTubers have been given strikes or taken down, and most of the articles don’t come up in Google searches.  Try Duck Duck Go.  Also, check out platforms like Discord, Mewe, and Gab.  I think they are safe.  I’m also seeing all of this at Twitter and even Pinterest!  WE ARE LEGION.  Keep your chin up!

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