The Journey Begins

For me, the story of Q began when a friend mentioned it on this “social media” platform:


The above might have been the first thing I learned from Q, actually.  Between happily posting pics of my kids, grand kids, and flowers, and chatting with friends and neighbors, a particularly brave Patriot started mentioning some guy on some message board…somewhere.  I thought, “That’s weird”, and moved on.

But then there were more pictures of “Q posts” and I started reading them.  “I don’t understand what these mean!”, I kept thinking.  So I moved on.

I have been a close follower of all things political for a long, long time, so I knew a good bit about the things that were happening outside of flowers, kids and grand children, but, really, without context, what was I supposed to make of this?  Lol.


But THEN, and I can’t even remember what had happened, but I know it was about the first week in April, 2018, and my friend posted a Q post and I realized it was very relevant to the news of the day – or more accurately – what the real news of the day was.  That was when I started reading Q posts.

I SPENT TWO SOLID DAYS reading the Q posts, following all the links, reading all the “Anons” try to answer Q’s questions, researching 8chan and 4chan boards (and WTH are those anyway?), until finally, I called my sister and said:

“Hi!  I think the world is being run by an evil cabal of globalist Satan-worshiping pedophiles.  Ok, I love you.  Sweet dreams.”

Note: the ONLY reason I can laugh at this is because I have experienced the power of a BIG, LOVING GOD in my own life. This power greater than me has shown itself in REALLY EXTRAORDINARY WAYS in my life. And this I know: LOVE ALWAYS WINS. Don’t forget that if you choose to travel deeper into this rabbit hole here on this blog.


If you want to take the red pill:

If you want to take the blue pill:

Leave now.  Really.  Do.  You can’t un-see some of this stuff.

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